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Jan 20, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 20, 2004

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  Budget Committee members; Stephen MacCleery, Walter Sanborn and Marie McKay (member Bruce Dyke arrived later)

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:05pm.

SUBJECT: Budget Proposals- Fire Department  
PRESENT: Deputy Chief Mike Paveglio, Chief John Prickett and Deputy Chief Sanborn

The Fire Department presented a report to the group, detailing their reasons for their proposed warrant article to hire a full time Fire Chief.  Chief Prickett gave the overall introduction and Deputy Paveglio followed up with the explanations of the wage and benefit calculations and Deputy Sanborn finished with addressing the staffing, training and department issues.

Budget Proposals – Highway
PRESENT: Road Agent David Kenneally

Mr. Kenneally explained the breakdown contained within his total payroll request of $68,000.  Not only does it include his salary at forty hours a week but also salary for a part time worker and additional salary for flaggers when needed on road projects and overtime pay should it be necessary.  Additionally, if the town votes to purchase the second truck, an additional worker will be needed for twelve weeks out of the year.  Mr. Kenneally stated it is cheaper to hire a man than it is a truck.  Historically in this town the Road Agent has been a part timer. Mr. Kenneally is trying to reduce the Town’s dependence on sub-contracting.  

Budget Proposals – Town Clerk/Tax Collector
The town clerk is proposing to switch over to all salary this year and no longer receive fees for town clerk functions other than boat fees and dog forfeiture fees.  Mrs. Pike has also increased her hours of operation to the public by an additional two hours with the probability of an additional six, should the town support her benefit package. Mrs. Pike will be receiving medical benefits from the town this year.  They have been available to her position since 1990, but she has opted not to take them prior years.   

Both the budget committee and the Board of Selectmen asked numerous questions of each department. Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman Arey to amend the salary line for the highway department back to the original proposal of sixty-eight thousand dollars ($68,000).  All were in favor.  

The remaining budget was reviewed and discussed at length. The Selectmen are proposing increases in the Salaries of the Selectmen’s Office personnel along with additional hours worked by the office staff; money for mortgage research for the unknown properties in an effort to get them resolved and back on the tax rolls and money for computer support for the network system.   

The increased activity of the Board of Adjustment was discussed.  Motion Selectmen DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert to increase the secretarial line to seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00). All were in favor.

Lisa will update the budget worksheet with all the discussed changes and have the budget and warrant finalized for the meeting with the budget committee on February 3, 2003. At this meeting both groups will vote their changes for the final budget to go to public hearing.  


Mail and correspondence were reviewed.

The Board of Selectmen will not meet next week due to the primary elections.

The minutes of the January 8, 2004, work session and January 13, 2004 selectmen’s meeting were approved as written.  

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to start paying Lieutenant Kitson on a salary basis, effective immediately.  All were in favor.  

The Board received a request from the Supervisors of the Checklist for a new printer.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Chairman Colbert to approve the expenditure of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) for the purchase of a new printer for the Supervisors of the Checklists’ computer.  

As of the date of this meeting, the office has not received any communication from Mr. Kelly regarding the building permit on Ferrin Road.  The Board directed Lisa to write a letter to Mr. Kelly.   
The Board signed checks and one intent to cut.  

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00pm.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman David Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                                Approved As Corrected

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